Tuesday, July 14, 2009

meagan good vs. lauren london

this is tough. we all agreed last go round. lets see if we still can with this won.

lauren is gorgeous. my pic is meagan though.

what do yu guys think?


  1. Tori get outta my head!! Lol as soon as I saw this I was like MEGAN! Love her whole style and attitude..and she's gorgeous

  2. heads down MEAGAN!!!! shes the shyt!!!!i love lauren too she new and does her thing but its kinda not fair to but her in the same category as Meagan lol!!

    Kiyyah of the *AF* girls

  3. meagan 1000 percent. she's one of my top beautiful women. i love her. so "we still with you" cause the others said meagan too.

  4. meagan has a better body plus i love her. lauren is cute, i like her too.

  5. lauren....sorry yall.... the dimples are cute.

  6. I like laurens better, Meagans abs are too hard...not cute on a female, you gotta have a lil fat...lol

  7. Lauren. I'm not denying that Megan is pretty. Her body is waaaaaay better than Laurens...but Megan kills me with that constant sour/puckered up mouth of hers....which is alwwaaaayyys covered in "chicken grease". hahaha... Good pix for the face off! :)

    -Kelly of *AF*
